Sunday, June 7, 2009

Getting Outta Town

Location: DFW Airport, Dallas, Texas

It's a little after 8 am on Sunday morning, the official first day in my 3-month show tour to Europe! Very exciting, but right now I'm so tired (I pulled an all-nighter) that I'm doing my best to keep my eyes open and have good grammar. I look a little silly walking around the airport because I am wearing Bruno the Bull's oversized orange ball cap. It wouldn't fit in my suitcase, so I thought I'd make it one of my own accessories this morning. I'm getting a lot of stares, but I'd like to think of them as intrigued peaks of interest in looking at me for a long amount of time. The most interesting conversation of the morning (and the only one) happened with the security guy checking IDs:

Guard: "Who's hat is that?"

Me: "It's my hat."

Guard: "And what's the 'B' stand for?"

Me: "Well, it doesn't really stand for anything. See, I've got a traveling show I use it in."

Guard: "A traveling show, huh? Well, how bout that. What do you do in this show?

Me: "It's a one-man show. It's just me."

Guard: "Huh. So you do a bunch of magic tricks?"

Me: "Um, well, not exactly…"

Guard: "Do a magic trick for me!"

Me: "There's actually a rabbit hiding inside my hat right now!"

Guard: "No! Show me." (He quickly thinks.) "You've got the rabbit in your brain."

I'd like to think that the "rabbit in your brain" is a very prophetic metaphor that means something I've yet to understand but will find out in the coming months. Either that, or the security guy needs to be fired because he's on some messed up crack. Nonetheless, I got through security rather quickly and now I'm awaiting my flight in an hour to New York City!

<------ My brother, Neil, sampling how outrageous that hat looks on a human.

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