Friday, June 12, 2009

Even Airport Customs Workers Are Jordy Pordy Fans

Location: Heathrow Airport, London, England

Just got off the plane from New York. I sat next to a 40-something-year-old cover band rocker decked out in black skin tight pants, a button-down black shirt with shiny silver buttons dangled down the sleeves, and some rocker-friendly chain necklaces. Turns out that he's headed to Europe for a tour with his band. Nice job, American Airlines, for seating the two touring artists on your plane right next to each other!

Since Stacie and I were put on different flights, our plan was to meet at the gate of our connecting flight from London to Newcastle at Heathrow. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 11:30 a.m. and I got through customs around 10:00 a.m., only to find out they won't list our gate until 30 minutes before departure. As my airport stress started to kick-in, I was worried Stacie and I would never find each other.

As the customs guy checked my passport, visa, and all that good stuff, he asked me my reason for travel to England:

Me: "I'm performing at theatre festivals around the country."

Customs Guy: "Oh, well your tour manager friend is waiting for you upstairs."

Me: "Oh! What! How did you…"

Customs Guy: "She came through about an hour ago and told me all about the show."

What are the chances that both Stacie and I go through the same customs guy AND he remembers to look out for me? That's the power of the Jordy Pordy tour, people!

So Stacie and I were reunited, took the plane over to Newcastle, and get to baggage claim to find not one but two of Stacie's bags not there. BAM! Now, now, these bags were not just filled with clothes and girl shit. These bags included the whole set for the show and half of the bull mascot costume. Today is Friday. Our first show is Sunday. We talk to the lost luggage lady (try saying that 5 times fast) and she assures us that the bags could be in Dallas, New York, London, or practically any other city in the world…but they were definitely not in Newcastle. Our hourly prayer ritual for the bags' return began after that conversation.

We were greeted at the Newcastle airport by Jonathan, the guy in charge of the Sunday's conference where we were performing. He was very nice and helpful, gave us a quick tour around town, and dropped us off at our hotel. Jet-lagged, we decided to take a nice afternoon nap and try to forget about our baggage woes.

1 comment:

  1. Jordan...I'm excited for your tours man! You're going to have the time of your life performing! Keep it going and keep in touch. I will be reading you blog entries. Also be sure to check out mine too...
